Welcome to the PERRY MAXWELL ARCHIVE, the definitive resource on Perry Maxwell and his work as a golf course architect.
The "Golden Age" of golf course architecture is generally considered as the period of the early 20th century running from the creation of National Golf Links of America on Long Island to the outbreak of World War II. During this time, many of the most acclaimed and innovative golf courses the world has ever known came into being, including Pine Valley, Augusta National and Cypress Point, to name only a few. The Golden Age was defined by a group of golf course architects that forever changed the way golf courses were designed and constructed, casting away the penal school of architecture in favor of strategic designs that have endured the test of time. Charles Blair MacDonald, Alister MacKenzie, Donald Ross, A.W. Tillinghast, Seth Raynor and George Thomas all created masterpieces during this period that continue to influence golf course architecture as much today as they did in their time.
Perhaps the least appreciated Golden Age architect is Perry Maxwell. Maxwell never wrote about golf course architecture. So, unlike MacDonald, MacKenzie, Ross, Tillinghast and Thomas, we don't have Maxwell's own words to provide insight into his work, design principles, philosophy or influences. The PERRY MAXWELL ARCHIVE is an attempt to chronicle Maxwell's life and work in the absence of his thoughts as a guide by compiling documentation and information about Maxwell in one location in an easily referenced and accessible format.
Photo of Perry Maxwell in February, 1935 American Golfer magazine
There is no agenda here to promote or protect Maxwell's legacy. Rather, the only goal is historical accuracy. Which is why the PERRY MAXWELL ARCHIVE is factually based, with source materials included and without any interpretation other than clearly identified editorial comments intended to provide context to specific factual entries. Historical knowledge is never static and inevitably evolves as new information is discovered. Blind adherence to accepted truths is a recipe for misguidance and the PERRY MAXWELL ARCHIVE will be a failure if it ever ceases to be a work in progress. Accordingly, new or contrary information is not only welcomed, but actively encouraged. The hope is that others will contribute additional information that adds to the collective understanding of Perry Maxwell and the golf courses he touched.