Tulsa, Oklahoma
June 11 Maxwell visits family in Ardmore. [Daily Ardmoreite, June 12, 1932] Editorial Note: This article notes that Maxwell is building an unnamed course in Tulsa. It is possible that course is Avery Golf Club.
August 8 A corporate charter for Avery Golf Club, Inc. is issued in the State of Oklahoma. [https://www.sos.ok.gov/corp/corpInformation.aspx?id=1900078949] Editorial Note: A February 17, 1935 Daily Ardmoreite article on Maxwell’s engagement at Southern Hills notes that “He is well acquainted for his fine work in Tulsa, having constructed…Avery…” Maxwell presumably designed and built Avery Golf Club at some point between August 8, 1933 (the date of the club’s incorporation) and February 17, 1935 (the date of the Daily Ardmoreite article. Avery Golf Club was incorporated by Cyrus Avery, who served with Maxwell on the board of the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce.