Bartlesville, Oklahoma
July Maxwell is called into consult on existing course and tour potential sites for new golf course for Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. A site 2½ miles south of town is identified as the best location for a new course. [“Bartlesville Means Business – Hillcrest Country Club & Civic Culture”, by Gale Morgan Kane (2008), Pgs. 65 & 67]
January 11 Maxwell looks over site for Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and is hired to design and build 18-hole sand green course over A.W. Tillinghast, Walter Travis and Tom Bendelow. [Bartlesville Enterprise, January 12, 1926; “Bartlesville Means Business – Hillcrest Country Club & Civic Culture”, by Gale Morgan Kane (2008), Pg. 72]
February 2 Construction starts on Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville under Maxwell’s direction. [Bartlesville Morning Examiner, February 3, 1926]
February 11 Tree clearing for fairways underway at Hillcrest Country Club with a portion of the course expected to be ready for play by fall. [Bartlesville Morning Examiner, February 11, 1926]
September 14 Greens Committee at Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville to decide when to open the course for play. [Bartlesville Morning Examiner, September 14, 1926]
October 10 Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville scheduled to open. [Bartlesville Morning Examiner, September 26, 1926] Editorial Note: The opening was delayed until the spring of 1927 due to flooding.
Spring Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma officially opens with 18 holes and grass greens. Editorial Note: This information was taken from a history page on the club’s website. Unfortunately, that page has been removed and is no longer available. We are nevertheless including this information in the absence of any evidence to the contrary.
Unknown Front 9 sand greens at Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma replaced with bermuda grass. [The Daily Oklahoman, April 16, 1957] Editorial Note: It is not clear whether Maxwell was involved with this work.
Unknown Back 9 sand greens at Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma replaced with bent grass. [The Daily Oklahoman, April 16, 1957] Editorial Note: It is not clear whether Maxwell was involved with this work.
Unknown Front 9 greens at Hillcrest Country Club in Bartlesville, Oklahoma replaced with bent grass. [The Daily Oklahoman, April 16, 1957] Editorial Note: It is not clear whether Maxwell was involved with this work.

Unknown Source and Date