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Ponca City, Oklahoma


Unknown              Maxwell designs nine holes in Ponca City, Oklahoma for E. W. Marland of the Marland Oil Company which would later become part of Ponca City Country Club.  [Ponca City Country Club, The 60th Anniversary, 1945-2005, by Frank Rogers (2005)]  Editorial Note:  It is not clear whether Maxwell also designed the second nine holes at Ponca City Country Club.


August 27              Maxwell is in Ponca City, Oklahoma “where he is working on a golf course.”  [Daily Ardmoreite, August 27, 1941]  Editorial Note:  The course in question is presumably Ponca City Country Club.  However, the exact nature of Maxwell’s work is not known.  Most likely, he was involved with the conversion of sand greens to bent grass, although it is possible he redesigned the course, including the abandoned back nine holes.


November 3, 1966, Oklahoma State Archives

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